Cuisine du monde

Gangadara Herath

Gangadhara HERATH


A journey of community, connection and cuisine  

My journey in Geneva began in 2014, but it was in 2018, after settling in Grand-Saconnex, that I truly found a sense of belonging. The warmth and inclusiveness of this community inspired me to give back by sharing my passion for cooking and fostering meaningful social connections.  

It is with great joy and gratitude that I present myself as the founder of the *Project Cuisine Du Monde*, an initiative born from the desire to create opportunities for connection, integration and cultural exchange.  

When I arrived in Grand-Saconnex, I noticed that many, like me, were new to the area or living alone. While the municipality already offered social events, I envisioned something more intimate and personal—a space where people could come together, share stories, and build lasting relationships.  

In 2019, the idea of ​​a social event centered around food and sharing began to take shape. Food, as a universal language, seemed like the perfect way to bring people together, celebrate diversity, and combat social isolation. Through research and reflection, this concept evolved into a concrete vision.  

Driven by this vision, I immersed myself in health and relationship studies, with the goal of creating a platform that encourages engagement, volunteerism, and authentic connections. Inspired by Sri Lanka’s legendary hospitality and the transformative power of community, the *Cuisine Du Monde Project* embodies the impact of compassion and shared experiences.  

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, intensifying the feeling of isolation for many. During this time, the urgency of my idea became clear, and I laid the foundations for what would become the *Cuisine Du Monde Project*. By the end of 2021, the initiative was 90% complete in the form of a well-structured project proposal.  

In 2022, I had the privilege of collaborating with Luso, who were working on a project focused on DIY and recycling. Our discussions were inspiring, and while we initially explored merging our initiatives, we ultimately chose to focus solely on cooking. This collaboration enriched the project, reinforcing its core mission.  

The *World Cuisine Project* is more than just cooking—it’s a celebration of diversity, a platform for cultural exchange, and a space where social connections are created and strengthened. Through this initiative, we’ve discovered new flavors, embraced different traditions, and created precious memories together.  

In 2023, when the Municipality of Grand-Saconnex launched calls for community projects, we seized the opportunity to bring our vision to life. Our initiative was honored with an award, a milestone made possible by the dedication and support of our incredible community. 

To learn more about this achievement, please visit

I warmly invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey of community, compassion, and connection. Together, let’s cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community where no one feels alone, and where food becomes a bridge that unites us all.

Luso Marcio Aleixo Borges

My name is Luso Marcio Aleixo Borges, and my journey took me to Switzerland at the age of 24. Over the past 26 enriching years,

I settled in the heart of Grand Saconnex, forging deep bonds with its inhabitants  

From the beginning, I integrated seamlessly into the fabric of our community, driven by a burning desire to contribute meaningfully to our beloved city. 

My commitment has been demonstrated through years of volunteering dedicated to various initiatives. I am a person deeply committed to humanitarian aid, I am a volunteer at the UN, 

With my wife and three children we created the Flagga association

 7 years ago to help families and children in Africa. passionate about sports, especially mountain hiking, my family and I love adventure, we love nature, we love traveling, exploring new places and cultures and local cuisine, 

 are enriching experiences. 

Together with my precious family, we have embarked on a noble adventure – an association dedicated to the ecological renovation of furniture and decorative objects. Our ethos is centered on sustainability and recycling, giving new life to abandoned materials through the art of DIY.

Additionally, we hosted Neighborhood Parties, fostering a spirit of unity and camaraderie among residents. My diverse professional background only strengthened my passion for reuse and renovation, launching a quest to explore innovative methods of transformation. Driven by a deep dedication to community and environmental causes, I firmly believe in the transformative power of collective action. By supporting initiatives that prioritize sustainability and recycling, we not only elevate our local landscape, but we also plant the seeds for a greener, brighter future.

In keeping with this ethic, I have also put my skills to work on an international culinary project, combining culinary art with a commitment to sustainability. Through each venture, I aim to harness the potential of collaboration to create lasting positive change for our world.

Présentation du projet

Le projet de cuisine du monde vise à favoriser des liens sociaux durables et à atténuer l’isolement social au sein de diverses communautés multinationales et multiculturelles du Grand Saconnex, à travers des sessions participatives de cuisines du monde.

Avec une approche holistique, le Projet de Cuisine Du Monde vise à enrichir la vie communautaire en célébrant la diversité, en favorisant la durabilité et en nourrissant le bien-être grâce à la joie de la cuisine internationale. 

Les participants acquerront diverses techniques culinaires et plongeront dans des plats traditionnels du monde entier en nourrissant un sentiment familial d’unité qui renforce les relations sociales, amplifie les interactions entre les différents publics tel que les familles, les personnes isolées ou toute personne ayant des options limitées pour manger à l’extérieur. 

La cuisine collective et le partage de repas seront suivi d’une variété d’activités. Les activités proposées pourront évoluer selon les thématiques et les envies des participants, tel que des échanges de bonnes pratiques, des projections de films, la participation à d’autres projets.

Cette initiative vise également à sensibiliser les participants à la préservation des ressources et au gaspillage grâce au recyclage, à la réutilisation et à l’économie de l’eau et l’électricité. Le projet aspire à utiliser des produits locaux et dans la mesure du possible à impliquer les producteurs locaux.

Avec une perspective de deux ans, le projet Cuisine Du Monde s’engage dans une évolution continue grâce à l’intégration des retours d’expérience. 

Les Objectifs Spécifiques définissant les moyens d’action :

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